Discussion for Monday 1st November

This Monday's discussion is led by Robert Oulton. He writes: Monday 1st November Session at 6.30: At the beginning of the COP26 conference in Glasgow, in which the governments of our world will try to make an agreement to limit global warming, and perhaps begin a more harmonious and sustainable relationship with nature, we’ll look at that original ‘global catastrophe’ story – Noah’s Ark and the Flood- to be found in Genesis. Widely known, way beyond the Christian community, it’s mostly been regarded as a picturesque fable, a myth or a story to beguile children. But, in the prevailing tone of misgiving about human behaviour we discover in the story, as well as the tender relationship between human and animal here portrayed; is it possible the story reveals something much more contemporary about our own behaviour toward the planet, and the animal kingdom we share it with? We’ll be looking at selected parts of the text, but you might want refresh your memory of the whole story found...