Bible discussion Monday 19th February at 6.30pm led by Rev Sheena Gabriel

The Bible Discussion Group on Monday 19th February at 6.30pm will by led by Rev. Sheena Gabriel - who will consider the story of Joseph, from the book of Genesis. Popularised in the musical 'Joseph and his Amazing technicolour Dreamcoat', this story captures the imagination with its universal themes of sibling rivalry and power struggles, resilience in the face of suffering, faith and providence, revenge and forgiveness, exile and homecoming. One of the most intriguing and uplifting tales in Hebrew scripture, it brings the book of Genesis to a positive end (even as the oppression of the Hebrew nation, and the story of Exodus, lie waiting in the wings). In the session we’ll explore Joseph’s journey through a psychological lens: his transformation from childhood trauma and youthful arrogance - as he grows towards full maturity in a strange land, and finally recognises what true power entails. We’ll consider the role of night dreams as a channel of divine communication, and the strand of providence that weaves through the story; how Joseph’s misfortunes are ultimately used for the greater good - not just for his family, but for many people. We’ll also touch on Joseph’s life in Egypt as an example of mutual coexistence between two faiths and cultures, and what this might say about God’s universal concern. We won’t have time to read the whole bible story in the session, so it would help if you could read the full text in advance: Genesis chapters 37-50 (although I’ll provide a brief summary) All welcome – come prepared to engage with this story as a living text, and see how Joseph’s journey might resonate with, and speak to your own journey through life. Zoom link for the meeting Meeting ID: 823 7804 2367 Passcode: 460019 Image - Commons Wikimedia: ‘Joseph Dreams of Stars’, by Owen Jones, from ‘The History of Jospeh and his Brethren’ 1869
