Discussion on Monday 17th July at 6.30pm led by Rev Alex Bradley

 Hello Everyone,

Our next discussion will be on Monday 17 July 2023 at 6.30 and will be led by Rev Alex Bradley. We will discuss the passage from the Gospels where the Sadducees, a group who did not believe in the resurrection, asked Jesus a loaded question about a woman who was married seven times in turn, to seven brothers, all of whom died one after the other. “Whose wife will she be in heaven?” they asked.

Jesus’ answer is interesting: “In the resurrection they neither marry nor are given in marriage, but are like the angels in heaven”.

Whether or not people believe in an after-life, descriptions of heaven are often reflective of what they would like to see here on earth, as much as in heaven.

What might this passage tell us about heaven or life on earth? (and dare one say it, our marriages and other relationships!)

We will read from Matthew 22,23-33 (the parallel passages are Mark 12.18-27 and Luke 20.27-40)

The Zoom details remain as follows:

Join Zoom Meeting Monday 18.30


Meeting ID: 823 7804 2367

Passcode: 460019

All are welcome to our discussions, whether you are a Unitarian Christian, Unitarian, or have another faith affiliation, or none. Looking forward to seeing you on Monday!

Photo credit and thanks -Pixabay
