Bible Discussion on Monday 22nd May at 6.30pm

Hello Everyone, Our next discussion will be on Monday 22 May at 6.30 and will be led by Rev Alex Bradley on the theme of those who were (or are) ‘unclean’ and those who are ‘outcasts’. Lepers were the outcasts of the Bible. How did Jesus respond to them, and what might we learn from what he said and did? We will look at two passages in particular Leviticus 13.1-8 (this is just a very small part, at the beginning, of a very long section in the book with instructions on how the priests are to examine people with leprosy) and Luke 17.11-19, where Jesus encounters and heals ten lepers. The Zoom details remain as follows: Join Zoom Meeting Monday 18.30 Meeting ID: 823 7804 2367 Passcode: 460019 All are welcome to our discussions, whether you are a Unitarian Christian, Unitarian, or have another faith affiliation, or none. Looking forward to seeing you on Monday! Picture credit and thanks: Artist unknown.