Discussion for April 4th 2022
This Monday (April 4th) our discussion is led by Jacky Woodman. She writes: Exodus 7:1 - 25 Overview: The rallying cry ' Let me people go!' in the South African anti-apartheid struggle amongst both Christian and non-Christian alike was taken from the Moses narrative in the Bible. It contributed to powerful themes by Adam Small, a Cape Coloured(mixed race) Black Consciousness activist, Afrikaans poet and revered academic. The power of the Biblical stories sustained freedom fighters and peace campaigners alike in their respective paths of both violence and non-violence. It formed the title of Albert Luthuli's autobiography. Albert Luthuli was a South African teacher, activist, Nobel Peace Prize winner, and politician. In 1960 he was awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his role in the non-violent struggle against apartheid. So relevant was the Bible in the political landscape of South Africa that in 1985 the Kairos document, a Christian, biblical and theological comment on ...