Discussion for Monday 6th December

Our discussion on Monday 6th December Alex Bradley will be leading our discussion. He writes:

2 Timothy 3.14-17 and 2 Peter 3.15-18. The first passage says that “all scripture is inspired by God”, the second speaks of things in Paul’s letters that are “hard to understand”. Of course, we do not know whether the writer of 2 Peter conceived of Paul’s letters as being part of ‘Scripture’ (most probably not) but his letters (or some of them: if so which ones?) became part of the Christian ‘Scriptures’. Is ‘Scripture’ its own authority? Can it still be an authority (or authoritative in some sense) for Unitarians? We will discuss this, and other questions which may arise. An uncontroversial topic for Unitarians, of course!
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Meeting ID: 823 7804 2367
Passcode: 460019
