Discussion for 19th April
Bible Discussion 19th of April, 6:30 pm led by Bob Janis-Dillon
WARNING: The Song of Songs, or Song of Solomon, contains content of a sexualised or erotic nature. Listener discretion is advised.
Now that you’ve written the date down in your diaries…
The Song of Songs contains some of the most beautiful poetry written in any language – even in translation, the ode to spring is among the most treasured of the English language literary canon. People have discussed for years what it’s really about – is it a love song between two people? Is it about the seasons? Is it about Christ’s love for the church, or God’s love for the people?
About two thousand years ago Rabbi Akiva, famously, called the book “the Holy of Holies”, the heart-centre of biblical spirituality. He also forbade the singing of the Song of Songs from taverns, where it was very popular.
We are not outright banning ale from this week's discussion, but we are asking all participants to behave moderately and appropriately. It's easy to get carried away with the Bible's more bawdy passages.
Bob Janis-Dillon is inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: Song of Songs Discoussions
Time: Apr 19, 2021 06:30 PM London
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