
Showing posts from April, 2021

Discussion for 26th April

  This Monday's Bible discussion is led by Jean Bradley, at 6.30 on 26th April. "Mummy, Daddy, where do I come from?" The group are invited to look at Genesis Chapter 1, seeking out answers to the age-old questions, where did I come from and what am I doing here? Topic: Unitarian & Free Christian Bible Discussion Time: Apr 26, 2021 06:30 PM London Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 948 3878 5763 Passcode: 109687

Discussion for 19th April

  Bible Discussion 19th of April, 6:30 pm led by Bob Janis-Dillon SONG OF SONGS WARNING: The Song of Songs, or Song of Solomon, contains content of a sexualised or erotic nature. Listener discretion is advised. Now that you’ve written the date down in your diaries… The Song of Songs contains some of the most beautiful poetry written in any language – even in translation, the ode to spring is among the most treasured of the English language literary canon. People have discussed for years what it’s really about – is it a love song between two people? Is it about the seasons? Is it about Christ’s love for the church, or God’s love for the people? About two thousand years ago Rabbi Akiva, famously, called the book “the Holy of Holies”, the heart-centre of biblical spirituality. He also forbade the singing of the Song of Songs from taverns, where it was very popular. We are not outright banning ale from this week's discussion, but we are asking all participants to behave moderately and ...

Discussion for Monday 12th April

  This Monday's discussion is led by Rob. He writes: Bible discussion group- Monday 12 April at 6.30pm- RESURRECTION. A poster outside a church we passed going to visit Sheena’s parents yesterday said: ‘He’s up, He’s out, He’s round about’, which seemed quite a startling reminder that we’ve just passed Easter Sunday. What better time for the group to consider the resurrection? Whatever your views, there can be little doubt after 2000 years, the narrative of the resurrection still retains its elemental power to encourage, console, outrage or dismay. We’ll look at two texts- Mark 16 v. 1-8, and John 20 v. 1-18. Of course, you might want to also look at the narratives in Matthew and Luke, chapters 28 and 24 respectively, as well as some of the post resurrection appearances of Jesus. From the beginning we know we will not agree, so it seems important for this topic above all, that we abide faithfully to the ethos of this group – kindness, respect and tolerance of diverse views. Is th...

No Bible Discussion on Easter Monday

We might have had a discussion on Easter Monday, but no one, ahem,  rose to the occasion and volunteered to lead it, so we will have a week off, and so be brimming with Bible related curiosity, contentions, and conundrums by the 12th of April, when Rob Oulton will be leading the discussion.    Hope to see you there, until then a very Happy Easter to all Unitarian & Free Christian Bible Discussion Group attendees past, present and future.