Discussion for 30th November
Tonight's discussion is led by Vanessa Chamberlin. She writes:
I've been trying to convince myself to look at an Advent related passage this evening, but can find no inspiration for it...sorry!
Instead we are going to look at a passage that I feel personally in the grip of at the moment...(Matt 26:1-16)...'what did Jesus mean by saying 'you have the poor with you always''...'why did he describe a woman pouring a jar of expensive oil over him as the 'good work'?
In a time of global crisis, where unemployment is set to sky rocket and levels of depression and despair will presumably follow, might there be practical wisdom and hopeful guidance for our own 'work' in this passage? Why was it important to Jesus that her story be told 'wherever the gospel is preached', and why does that rarely (if ever) happen? Would the message be very different if it did? And why is this the story that is told just before Jesus turns to walk towards Jerusalem and his own death?
6.30-7.30pm. Room will open 5 minutes before so we can start on time. All are welcome. No prior knowledge of the Bible needed. We'll feel our way together in to the text and see what emerges. I won't make anyone act this time!
Topic: Bible Discussion Group Time: Nov 30, 2020 06:30 PM London Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/83337907429?pwd=NnVTS1VCUklyZ0Q2TzU2NHFyTWVJQT09
Meeting ID: 833 3790 7429
Passcode: biblegroup
Image: Emma Kay
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