Discussion for Saturday 29th August
The text for this Saturday’s Bible discussion is taken from Judges, Chapters 4-5.
Please feel free to read both chapters and to familiarise yourself with this story. There are many aspects to this text and points that you may wish to explore.
It is said that Deborah held court under the Palm of Deborah and that the Israelites would come to her to have their disputes settled. One day she called for a military leader known as Barak and told him that the Lord God of Israel commanded him to take ten thousand men to challenge Sisera, the commander of King Jabin's army. Deborah told Barak that he would have an easy victory. Barak thought that his own poorly armed troops would be no match for Sisera’s well-armed army with iron chariots, he could only reply, ‘If you go with me, I will go; but if you don't go with me, I won't go.’
All right, I’ll go’, she replied. ‘But I’m warning you that the LORD is going to let a woman defeat Sisera, and no one will honour you for winning the battle’. Judges 4:9 CEV.
I would like to begin our discussion by reading only from Judges 4:1-9. After that, perhaps we can go straight to the breakout rooms and consider any part of this multifaceted and somewhat gruesome story that you may wish.
See you on Saturday!
Zoom Meeting Time: Aug 29, 2020 03:00 PM
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