Bible Discussion on Monday 22nd January at 6.30pm will be led by Lizzie Kingston Harrison

The Bible Discussion Group for Monday 22nd of January at 6.30 led by Lizzie Kingston Harrison will be on the topic of Joseph Priestley and the doctrine of atonement - everyone is welcome Joseph Priestley spent his childhood feeling like the ‘Man in the Iron Cage’ from Pilgrim’s Progress. If you don’t know the story, the image tells you everything you need to know. In other words, Priestley’s broadly Calvinistic upbringing left him feeling despair, horror, and alienation from God. How did he shake off his fears and find himself ‘at one’ with God? He first needed to reject the ‘doctrine of atonement.’ Come along to the Bible study this evening, to find out how Priestley’s Unitarianism and unique psychological approach to scriptural metaphor set him free from his cage... and how he rejected conventional teaching on salvation - both in Calvinism and the Anglican - church as irrational, unscriptural and at odds with the teaching of the man Jesus. Zoom link for...