Bible discussion on Monday 26th June: 6.30pm led by Rob Oulton - ‘Hearing the Divine call’

Bible discussion on Monday 26th June: 6.30pm led by Rob Oulton- ‘Hearing the Divine call’. Our discussion will look at the story in 1 Samuel Chapter 3: of the boy Samuel’s calling in the night by God; whose voice he repeatedly fails to recognise. Samuel seems to be one of the special ones found throughout the Bible who have a quality of intense affiliation to the Divine, and whose life seems to be ‘set aside’ or dedicated to God. Samuel, as the much longed-for son of the formerly barren Hannah, is formally given to God by his mother, and is essentially brought up in the temple by Eli, the chief priest, from a very young age. Perhaps shades here of the current Dalai Lama? Are people still called by God, or by the voice of a deeper wisdom that takes them by surprise? Do we hear prophetic voices or deep heart promptings, perhaps in dreams or in night reveries, or unexpectedly in waking life. Can these callings lead us toward a different kind of life than we had previously planned? Is the ...