Bible Discussion for Monday 27th February at 6.30pm

Come and join us (all welcome whether you are Unitarian, Unitarian Christian, Christian, from another faith, or have no faith) for our Bible Discussion Group at 6.30 p.m. tomorrow, Monday 27 February. Zoom link for the meeting [ ] Meeting ID: 823 7804 2367 Passcode: 460019 "Therefore, I tell you, do not be anxious about your life...": from the teaching of Jesus, in 'The Sermon on the Mount', found in Matthew's Gospel (Matt. 6.25-33) Easier said than done, one might think. In fact, bearing in mind the number of people on anti-depressants, the rising cost of living, not to mention other things like family problems, workplace pressures, and the Inland Revenue, one might be tempted to call it utterly unrealistic advice. OR IS IT? What might Jesus have meant by these words? And quite apart from what he intended his disciples...