Bible Discussion for Monday 30th of January at 6.30pm

For the Bible Discussion on Monday with Arek Malecki: SQUARING THE CIRCLE: CHANGING MIND IN THE LIGHT OF NEW UNDERSTANDING, MENTAL GYMNASTICS, OR DOWNRIGHT COGNITIVE DISSONANCE? This week will talk about the passage from the Book of Jeremiah below. It maybe good to have a gist of the context of the exile. So, if you wish, you may also watch the following two short introductory videos. You should be aware that they are part of a series of videos addressing many aspects of biblical literature, and that the group that produced them has a particular worldview or agenda - they want to persuade you that the whole Bible can be read as having a single, expansive, narrative-arc. For this reason, the video on the Exile focuses on both Old Testament and New Testament themes. To put it bluntly, “no matter what the question is, the answer is Jesus”. Other than that, I think that their videos are very good and informative. • Introduction to Exile: •...