Bible Discussion: Monday 19th December 2022, 6.30pm to 7.30pm

Unitarian Bible Discussion Group 19th December 2022, 6.30pm led by Rob Oulton One of the traditional bible readings for this fourth week in Advent is the story of the Annunciation – in which the angel Gabriel conveys to Mary news of the nature and importance of her imminent pregnancy. Angelic messengers make other appearances in the stories that surround Jesus’ origins and birth. But who or what are the angels? Are they real entities, or some kind of manifestation of a transcendent truth that shadows our own life in this world? The German theologian and Jungian therapist Eugen Drewermann in his wonderful book of meditations on the church’s Advent readings ‘Open Heavens’says of the angel: ‘The paradigm in heaven, the model that stands in the background of our being, is the angel. Everything we carry within ourselves of truth, beauty, and the courage to be, lives in this angel. When humans see their angel, they see before them what their whole lives are meant to be’… So, for our last dis...