Bible Discussion Monday 31st October with Rob Oulton

Our Bible Discussion on Monday 31st October 6.30pm will be led by Rob Oulton. All Welcome: Moses and the Burning Bush. Exodus - Ch.3, 1-14. After millennia, one of the most well-known Biblical Stories still crackles with the energy we see portrayed in the vivid image of the burning bush; divine energy that will power the foundational drama of the Jewish nation, in its liberation from slavery in Egypt. But it’s also a portrait of a person coming face to face with their destiny and discovering, however reluctantly, their life’s vocation. And does the energy of the burning bush reveal also the pure ‘beingness’ of a God who self-names as ‘I am’; pure immanence, containing past, present, and future? Come and share your response and ideas about this familiar and strange story, but remember to take off your shoes – this is Holy Ground! Painting: 'Moses and the Burning Bush' by Marc Chagall, 1966 Zoom link: