
Showing posts from July, 2022

Discussion for 25th July

  Monday Evening, 25 July 2022, Unitarian Bible Study Group - John Carter On Monday I am inviting you to engage in a bit of Biblical theology and reflection. Using Paul, his conversation on the Gifts of the Spirit, we hopefully will converse about the text, and then reflect on the wider meaning of “gift” and what is the gift we as the beloved Unitarian community bring to the wider world, and wider conversation of divinity. Background Material There are 14 texts within what is called the New Testament that are attributed to Paul of Tarsus……. “Paul must be evaluated on historical-critical and literary grounds. Comparative analysis of the letters reveals that not all of them are from the same hand. By focusing on the vocabulary, phrases, social situation, Christology and ecclesial understanding of the letters scholars can detect earlier and later voices.” McGaughy, Lane; Dewey, Arthur J.; Hoover, Roy W.; Schmidt, Daryl D.. The Authentic Letters of Paul . Polebridge Press. Kindle Editi...

Discussion for 18th July

Inspired by a visit to the Bible Society in Vienna in May … Monday’s session (July 18th) will focus on Bible translations. Jesus himself, when in the synagogue, perhaps used the Septuagint translation when reading from the scroll of Isaiah. (Luke 4) Paul and other New Testament authors at times quoted the Hebrew Bible in Greek translation. Please come ready to discuss: Which translation of the Bible do you use? What factors do you think are important in choosing a translation? Has your preference changed? Are there translations that are more or less ‘Unitarian friendly’ versions? We will also look at a key passage of scripture in various English translations to see what we can learn by comparing them side by side. 6.30pm-7.30pm ... Meeting ID: 823 7804 2367 Passcode: 460019

The Two Proposals for our Meeting on 11th July

Ahead of Monday’s meeting I’d like to set out the choice that is to be made.  The Bible Discussion Group has been running for two years now without a break. That’s quite an achievement for an independent, ad hoc group. There has been an evolution of participants, from the first generation when the likes of Rory Castle Jones, Mark Hutchinson, Mike O’ Sullivan, Jim Corrigall, Bob Pounder, Stephanie Bisby and others did so much to help the group get established. (Apologies to anyone I've not mentioned). New participants and discussion leaders have come along, and we now have quite a large number of Unitarians who sometimes come to discussions, and an even larger number who have come ‘for a season’.  It works because there is a genuine need for what we do - the Bible is an underused resource in many Unitarian churches and chapels, and we are doing something about that.  It also works because from the very beginning we have been clear that it’s for Unitarians from all backgrou...