We're going to keep to the Holy Week theme for next Monday's Bible discussion group, that's Monday 11th April, 6.30 pm as usual. The session will be led by Jim Corrigall , and the text is from Mark's gospel: Mark 11: 12 - 19. After Jesus' procession into Jerusalem on Sunday (Palm Sunday), Mark records in this passage that on the following day, on Monday, Jesus returns to Jerusalem with his disciples, and on the way he sees a fig tree, which he curses. Jesus then goes into Jerusalem and into the Temple, where he overturns the tables of the moneylenders, shouting that the Temple has been turned into a 'den of robbers.' So what's going on in this passage? Why is Jesus behaving like this? Is the cursing of the fig tree linked to Jesus' actions in the Temple? And how does this influence the course of events through Holy Week? Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/82378042367... Meeting ID: 823 7804 2367 Passcode: 460019