Discussion for Monday 27th September

Next Monday Francis be leading a discussion on Psalm 22, which opens with the famous words that Jesus cried out on the cross. We'll read the whole Psalm then look at it in two separate discussions. Firstly without Jesus. Psalm 22 is remarkable in its own right and an important part of the Tanakh (Hebrew Bible). It seems to be a passionate complaint against God, even suggesting that God abandons his people. What's our gut reaction to reading it? What, if anything, is unusual or surprising in it? Who is speaking these words? Who are they for? What are they saying? Secondly, we'll ask why the writer of Matthew's gospel put these words in the mouth of the dying Jesus. Why would Jesus say this? What point was the author trying to make? Do you think this really happened like this? Are these words an aberration, if not, how do they fit in with what Jesus taught and stood for? Time: Sep 27, 2021 06:30-7.30 PM Join Zoom Meeting https://us06web.zoom.us/j/89833...