
Showing posts from June, 2021

Discussion for June 14th

  'WITH A LITTLE HELP FROM MY FRIENDS' Jean Bradley will be asking the Bible Discussion Group to look at the subject of friendship in the Book of Job. Although his three friends are ironically called 'Job's comforters', perhaps there is more to their behaviour than we think.  What can this story written over two and a half millennia ago teach us about our relationships in this century?  Topic: Unitarian & Free Christian Bible Discussion Time: Jun 14, 2021 06:30 PM London Join Zoom Meeting Meeting ID: 945 2098 4092 Passcode: 026172

Discussion for June 7th

This Monday's Discussion will be led by Rory Castle Jones.  Rory played such a key role in getting the Bible Discussion going  and established , but has been lately become involved in another Monday pm project as well as becoming Minister Elect at Gelliennon Chapel,  so it will be great to have him back on Monday! He writes as follows: 'LGBTQIA+ Voices in The Bible' We will be looking at LGBTQIA+ voices in the Bible, starting with the Ethiopian Eunuch (Acts 8:26-40). What does it mean that one of the first converts to Christianity was an Ethiopian Eunuch - a non-white African, a sexual minority, an outsider? Where can we find LGBTQIA+ voices in the Bible and what can they say us today in the 21st century? Join us for an hour of discussion, sharing and exploration, facilitated by Rory Castle Jones. Zoom Link: Meeting ID: 869 2017 6875 Passcode: ethiopia