Discussion for 1st February

Instead of set verses, this Monday's Discussion is on a pastoral theme: living with long-term/chronic illness or disability. It will be led by Francis Elliot-Wright. Many people, more than we might realise, live with physical pain, discomfort and limitations. Can the Bible help people in this situation? Which verses do you think could be helpful for people who are living with chronic or long-term illness, or with a physical disability? Instead of having set verses, you are invited to bring to the discussion verses that you consider to be of benefit to people whose lives are lived with physical limitation, pain or discomfort. You might also want to think about verses and approaches that are unhelpful for people living with long term illness or disability. The focus of this discussion will be on living with illness or disability, not healing. Join the Zoom meeting with this link: https://zoom.us/j/5396749825?pwd=R0JvcmZOL1NnWWp1RnlZbFVXK0pJQT09 The Zoom...