Discussion for Saturday August 1st

The Temptation of Jesus - Saturday 1st August 3-4pm led by Francis Elliot-Wright (Doncaster Unitarians) Matthew 4: 1-11 , Mark 1: 12-13 , Luke 4: 1-13 Join Zoom Meeting https://us02web.zoom.us/j/81046174655?pwd=QnVwK2pCZFdXN0FmSjY1MWFnaWw3Zz09 Meeting ID: 810 4617 4655 For this discussion, I'd like to see what happens if we put the questions and some background ideas up in advance. The three questions we are going to discuss in small groups are as follows: What point were the gospel authors trying to make to their first readers in this narrative? How has this text 'played out' in the history of Christianity, and Christian nations? What, if anything, does this passage have to say to us as 21st Century Unitarians & Free Christians? Some things to consider...(You don't have to read these but you might find them interesting...) What , if anything, is the Devil/Satan? An overview of Satan in Wikipedia References to Satan in the Hebrew Bible (Old Testament): Zechariah ...